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Get real, neutral, and expert commentary.

Ana shares her points of view on current happenings in the advertising, marketing, and technology space. She’ll answer all the questions that you have about what the future brings for businesses, how she sees current happenings, her thoughts about strategies that companies are applying at the moment, among others.

Because of her unbiased opinions, Ana is known for her expert commentary and is frequently quoted by media powerhouses like The Wall Street Journal and Business Insider (which in 2018 named her as one of 23 industry leaders working on fixing advertising) as well as industry trades like AdWeek, AdAge, Digiday, Marketing Magazine, AdExchanger, ExchangeWire, B&T, and other regional and niche outlets.

Most recently, she has been a guest on Demandbase's Sunny Side Up, Red Clover Advisor's She Said Privacy He Said Security, and Keith Hernandez's The Changeu.

She has headlined marquee conferences in North America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific, and is a sought-after speaker on topics of Adtech, Martech, innovation, customer experience, data management, and new frontiers of technology.


Ana in media:

August 9th. 2021
December 17th, 2018

Contact Ana for her insights on your publication, on your podcast, or for an interview

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